2019 theme Untold
What’s behind the untold? Feelings. Beliefs. Fears. Dreams. Promises. Secrets. Plans. Opinions. Ideas. Realities. Selves.
The list goes on and on but the essence of all untold stories is one: the truth, or at least the impression of it.
Just like the lie, the unsaid hides the truth. We do not reveal the truth about who we really are or what we truly think to protect ourselves and others from hurt, damage or judgment.
This year, Cabriolet Film Festival provides a platform where UNTOLD stories are cited or unveiled and where people are free to illustrate their silence or raise their voice.
Welcome to our 11th edition of Cabriolet Film Festival in Beirut, the city that still hides a lot of her true self.

the program

Everything You Didn’t Say
by Charlie Reader

Best Friend
by Nicholas Olivieri, Shen Yi, Juliana De Lucca, Varun Nair & David Feliu

“Kassaf Zahabi”
by Patrick Elias

by Carlos Gómez-Trigo

Cat Noir
by O'Neil Bürgi

A Favor
by Jacob A. R. Mannstaedt

by Mohamed Maged

A fairytale for Nature
by Stefano De Felici

At the End A Balloon Bursts
by Antonio Panteras

by Hugo De La Riva

And One Day, The Absence Disappears
by Romain Gautreau

A Photo, A Hotel and Her
by Estephan Khattar

Allow Me To Express
by Celia Dahrendorf

by Andrea Di Paola

Freedom To Write A Song
by David Djambazov & Anna Stoeva

Happy Ending
by Ramzi Khoury

by François Bamas, Léa Charamond, Arnaud Dodane, Maïlys Doherty, Mattéo Girard & Félicien Peltie

“Pater Familias”
by Giacomo Boeri

“Peur Bleue”
by Lynn Tawile

The Usual
by David Lara

by Cynthia Tannous

The Theory of Sleep
by Rubén Barbosa

by Ciro D’Aniello

by Hady Abou Ghazaly

Kisses First
by Luis Sànchez-Polack

Here and Now
by Aurélien Mathieu

All Our Yesterdays
by Lorenzo Santoni

Think Freedom
by David Djambazov & Anna Stoeva

Let’s Go to Antarctica
by Gonzaga Manso

by Nour Hammoud

“Sub Terrae”
by Nayra Sanz Fuentes

by Claudius Gentinetta

The Third Man
by Andrés Daniel Sainz Hernando

by Julie Brun, Camille Estieu & Jiamin Peng

Sunday Market: Tripoli
by Yahya Mourad

by Juanma Juárez

Vacuum Packed
by Elena Fiorenzani

A Sail From Aida
by Pamela Chahine

Look At Me
by Geraldine Ottier

Ostrich Politic
by Mohammad Houhou

by Gaby Daher

Wine In My Veins
by Leire Albinarrate Fernández

A Simple Truth
by Cinzia Mirabella

by Marc Salameh

“El Amor Ciego”
by Pablo Martin Torrado

by Gian Arre